Xubuntu 14.04 LTS | Post Install

Updated January 22nd

This is one of my favorite distros.

It’s light on my system, quite simple, user friendly (in a way that my father uses it) quite pretty out of the box, and simply gets things done easily. At first install, I hated it and ran to pure Ubuntu, but it got better and I decided to take for a spin.

Now, let’s begin…

First things first: you’ll need to update your software sources. Feel free to copy mine, for the time being. Don’t forget to update the mirrors as close to your location as you can.

System update

After updating your repos, you should update your system by typing

$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y

Flash, java & git

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre icedtea-7-jre-jamvm \
gsfonts gsfonts-x11 flashplugin-installer git git-core

TrueType Fonts


$ sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Text editor

I don’t like mousepad. So I install Geany

$ sudo apt-get install geany

Extra support for compressing and decompressing files

Screenshot - 28-01-2015 - 20:29:01
$ sudo apt-get install unace rar unrar zip unzip p7zip p7zip-full \
p7zip-rar sharutils uudeview arj cabextract


$ sudo apt-get install libbluray-bdj libmad0 mpeg2dec mpegdemux \
libmpeg3-1 libmpeg2-4 liba52-0.7.4 libquicktime2 libmp4v2-2 faad \
lame flac mpeg3-utils icedax vlc

Now note, that w64codecs and libdvdcss2 where only present on medibuntu repository, which has ceased to exist. So I suggest using debian’s multimedia repo for installing these packages.

Add this line to your souce.list file…

deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org jessie main non-free

…and install the packages

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install w64codecs libdvdcss2

You’ll get a warning if you want to install it from untrusted sources, just say yes. after that just remove the above mentioned line from your repos, or just add a # to the beginning of it.


Internet stuff
Some p2p goodness and Chromium

Firstly, the p2p goodies and ftp support

$ sudo apt-get install amule filezilla

Then install Chromium

sudo apt-get install chromium-browser

Click here to install flash support on chromium

IM Stuff

$ sudo apt-get install pidgin-themes


Screenshot - 28-01-2015 - 20:36:49

A very nimble firewall is gufw, frontend for ufw. Simply install it by:

$ sudo apt-get install gufw

Now, check your state/settings…

$ sudo ufw status verbose

…and add some rules

$ sudo ufw deny 5353/udp && sudo ufw deny 5900/tcp && \
sudo ufw deny 22 && sudo ufw deny 25/tcp \
&& sudo ufw deny 135,139,445/tcp \
&& sudo ufw deny 137,138/udp && sudo ufw deny 110 && sudo ufw deny 2049 \
&& sudo ufw deny 143 && sudo ufw deny 21/tcp && sudo ufw deny ssh

If not enable at this point, please run

$ sudo ufw enable

More info & rules at: www.frozentux.net/documents/iptables-tutorial

Image Stuff (optional in my case)

GIMP extras

$ sudo apt-get install gimp-plugin-registry gimp-data-extras

After this just reboot your machine

$ sudo shutdown -r now

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