LibreOffice: Spell checking, dictionary, localization et all

So in order to install further features to your LibreOffice installation, like spell checking, dictionary, localization and some other features, in a a very easy way, just copy these simple commands. Mind you that the tag after the package name, refers to my personal taste/installation, i.e.: libreoffice-l10n-pt where pt is my country localization files. in myspell-pt-pt pt-pt is specific to European Portuguese. To get a full list of options and choose your own check the Debian Package page.

To have a better understanding of your code please check this link.

$ sudo apt install myspell-pt-pt hyphen-pt-pt \
libreoffice-l10n-pt mythes-pt-pt libreoffice-help-pt \
aspell-pt-pt aspell-pt

For further info on how to buff up your LibreOffice installation, check Debian Wiki.

Where is Debian?

Where is Debian? What you mean where is it? Right there! On the website, dummy. No quite.

If you’re someone like me that has temperamental hardware that needs some not-open-source software to use Debian or to even boot on your machine, then you’re in trouble, cause Debian website is a maze.

I’ve only been able to use Debian on my current laptop by using a non-free live cd image. Other than that, I’ve failed successively. I tend to hop between stable and testing, but I’m mostly on stable on my machine.
So here a the links to get live images with both stable and non-free firmware:

On the non-free side of things, you can choose (better imho) to download the ISO via BitTorrent.
And that’s it, now you have the keys to the kingdom.

Focal Fossa | Tuning Ubuntu

Two years after my post on the beaver, it has come the time to tune this fine free software to my liking.
It was released with a few significant changes, particularly under the hood. To check whats new, please check these posts by Canonical here and here. Visually its the best Ubuntu yet (at least in my perspective) even better than the long 10.04 (my favorite), a wonderful kernel for future proofing and running things smoothly.

Still, I need to make a few adjustments, hence this new cheat cheat. I’ve made a small script to automate 98% of the commands listed here. It’s available on my GithHub, here.

But for now, let’s get dirty.

Continue reading “Focal Fossa | Tuning Ubuntu”

Fedora | Install media codecs

So if you don’t use VLC, and  you want to watch some video content, and   you get a message that a codec is missing, here’s how to solve it completley, with a simple command line:

Note: You need to have the RPM Fusion Repo enabled first. Check how to do it, here.

$ sudo dnf install gstreamer1-libav gstreamer1-plugins-good gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld lame-libs libdvdcss libaacs libaacs-utils libbdplus

Easy2Boot | One Stick to Rule Them All


If you want to try new Linux distros and hate to keep burning DVD or usb sticks, or just want to have a usb in case something goes wrong with any of your computers or your partner, parent or whatever, this hefty little tool called Easy2Boot allows you ALL just that.

You can add as much ISO and additional software you want/need depending on the size of your USB stick.

Let’s get to it.

Continue reading “Easy2Boot | One Stick to Rule Them All”