Focal Fossa | Tuning Ubuntu

Two years after my post on the beaver, it has come the time to tune this fine free software to my liking.
It was released with a few significant changes, particularly under the hood. To check whats new, please check these posts by Canonical here and here. Visually its the best Ubuntu yet (at least in my perspective) even better than the long 10.04 (my favorite), a wonderful kernel for future proofing and running things smoothly.

Still, I need to make a few adjustments, hence this new cheat cheat. I’ve made a small script to automate 98% of the commands listed here. It’s available on my GithHub, here.

But for now, let’s get dirty.

Continue reading “Focal Fossa | Tuning Ubuntu”

Ubuntu 18.04 | Beaver Fever

So, after the LTS post, here’s a new one. Some things have changed since the last LTS releases, like: no more convergence (which is sad, since canonical was the very first company to think on those terms) meaning, no more Ubuntu unity desktop, at least via the official channels.
This means Ubuntu is back to gnome – oh, that sweet smell of nostalgia.

Ubuntu also introduced a minimal install (the version I’ve installed) , that shaves about 400mb, and gives a bit more control to users that want to choose what goes in or out of the system.

Now that you’ve installed or updated your system, let’s make it run a bit better.

Continue reading “Ubuntu 18.04 | Beaver Fever”

Windows 10 | Post Install

I’ve been using windows on a daily basis for the last 12-14 months. I stopped using Linux and adopted Windows as my go to OS due to laziness. Shear OG laziness.

Mind you, I’m not gonna dwell on privacy issues ad whatnot. The OS its just been working, but with a few glitches. I love linux, an I’ll use it forever. It will always be my primarily go-to  OS, but I simply haven’t had time or will to install, config and use it.

Over these months, Windows as proven to be a reliable OS, until late April early March (we’re mid-June by now) where I was confronted with the inability of updating my system. I’m thinking: this had something to do with dual-booting my machine? I don’t know the exact cause, but I do know i had to have a fully problem free machine, so LET’S FORMAT IT! and start from scratch. Continue reading “Windows 10 | Post Install”

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus | Post-install guide

Gotta love that LTS experience!

Going back in time and decided to use a stable and solid ubuntu release, until the next LTS release in april 2018.

it’ been running practically without hiccups, so it’s my distro at the moment. Just hope that Ubuntu Gnome stays an independent branch until there. Fingers crossed.

Now let’s head to what matters: Continue reading “Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus | Post-install guide”