LibreOffice – Custom Installation

So I’ve recently decided to try the new Ubuntu 18.04. I was happily surprised that finally it had a minimal install, giving user a little bit more freedom to choose what to install. It saves roughly 400mb of disc space, also.
So, I found out that in the minimal installation, LibreOffice wasn’t installed by default. An that’s awesome! 🙂

So if we’re likeminded, and you don’t use or you just not interested in the full suite offered by LibreOffice, here’s how you can customize your installation.

1. Let’s begin by adding the ppa, so whenever there’s an update, your LibreOffice always gets shiny

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa

and update

$ sudo apt update

2. Then, let’s get the core of LibreOffice installed

$ sudo apt install libreoffice-common

3. So i only write blog posts (ofc), pappers and or essays, do the occasional presentations, and handle my expenses and or traveling plans on spreadsheets, meaning I’ll just be installing: Writer, Calc and Impress

$ sudo apt install libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc \
libreoffice-impress -y

3.1 In order to make LibreOffice prettier (r at least to match your OS theming, also add this package, otherwise LibreOffice will look like Windows 95

$ sudo apt install libreoffice-gtk -y

And that’s pretty much it: a custom tailored LibreOffice installation suited to my needs.

NOTE: if you want to reduce even more the space of the installation, just add –no-install-recommends to each command, i.e.:

$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommend libreoffice-common


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